Women of Wynnum Manly

Season 4, Episode 1, Donna Duggan

Allana Bianchi Season 4 Episode 1

I heard about Donna Duggan from our Councilor Alex Givney. Alex mentioned on her own socials that Donna was a finalist in a People's Choice Humanitarian Award for her dedication to sustainable tourism and community support in Tanzania.

Donna is an incredible human, whose work in Tanzania has helped thousands of people. I loved hearing the story of her and her late husband Nas meeting, falling in love (despite not speaking each other's language!) and building a beautiful world together.  She spent two decades in Tanzania and still goes back regularly to continue with her role in Maasai Wanderings and Nasikia Camps in Tanzania, and the ongoing humanitarian work. 

I really loved this conversation and could have talked for much longer. I feel like I just scratched the surface in finding out about this warm, generous and down to earth human. 

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