Women of Wynnum Manly

Season 4, Episode 3 - Kylie Madge

Allana Bianchi

I met Kylie Madge at the Wynnum Manly Community Awards in 2024 and knew that having a long form conversation with her would be fascinating. She is a yoga teacher, life coach and spiritual mentor and the conversation we had didn't disappoint! Kylie is a life-long Wynnum-nite and sharing her story about how she transitioned from the corporate world to assisting people in life to navigate their emotions, choices and reactions to experience a more peaceful and fulfilled life was fascinating.  Talking about being a curious person, I formed the impression that she has always had a strong sense of self awareness and at times made insightful decisions that defied her age. I appreciated the calmness that Kylie brought to our experience in recording the episode.  Enjoy learning all about Kylie. 

Due to some technical difficulties, I was unable to share a recording of an introduction to this episode, including an Acknowledgement of Country. The episode was recorded on beautiful Quandamooka Country, and I am grateful to be able to work, play and enjoy my life on this land. 

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